Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rain, Glorious Rain!

It rains! I am happy. This week I bought a present for my wife - a bababerry and a blackberry from the Home Depot and planted them. Now it rains, watering her present so I don't have to. This has been a difficult month, though, and an expensive one. Since we are expecting, I bought a minivan to transport our brood. It died on the way home from the dealership. I had it towed and got it fixed. Then someone turned into my lane and I hit him with the old car. Aire compressor died (bad switch) so I fixed it with a new switch from Circuit Specialists. Kitchen light died. So it is true... when it rains, it pours!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, and my keyboard decided to stop working... the 'i', right arrow and spacebar would not work. Now I type on my backup "Hello Kitty" keyboard. Wife loves the happy pink and purple keyboard with the cutsy decals. Memo to me: get a */manly/* keyboard to compensate. ;-)
