Sunday, December 26, 2010

Global Warming?

I'm inclined to agree with the majority of public scientists; the Earth is warming up. I'm not as inclined to agree that this warming trend will be the end of civilization as we know it. Actually, humans can adapt, have adapted and will continue to adapt as the Earth changes with or without our help. Though, I do think it's rather silly of us to change the ecosystem by accident when we could easily do so on purpose. We could water a few states by drilling a large tunnel from Death Valley to the ocean. The evaporation would provide rain for Arizona, Utah, Nevada and parts of Mexico. (My theory)
On a more serious note, before global warming gets to an unbearable point, we have the danger of algae blooms creating dead zones in the oceans and the possibility of hydrogen sulfide eruptions from the decaying vegetal matter. See this link for an example: As nitrogen from fertilizers is allowed to pollute our waters, algae feed on it. Some algae types are not beneficial to complex animal organisms. As we overfish, we pull the ecological system further out of balance. Fishing one species allows another species more food to grow. With fewer fish, jellyfish take over the niche. As CO2 is absorbed by the oceans, corals die and grasses grow in their place. Remember, nature abhors a vacuum. This is not just cliche, it is life! It is silly that we change the balance of species on accident to our detriment when we could as easily do it on purpose to our benefit. Silly. Self-defeating. Perhaps self-exterminating? Were we to target 'trash fish' for consumption, the more tasty varieties would gain population again.
Always perform for the greatest gain. To be short sighted is a luxury we can no longer afford. We complain about fuel prices but buy houses far from where we work and work far from where we live. If we designed our cities for efficient use (allowing multiple zoning perhaps?) we could accomplish the same work for less energy. Why can't we build skyscrapers where employees lived a few floors from where they work? No one would force you to live where you work but perhaps offering a discount on the rent if you work in the building?
So here are some ideas with expected benefits:
Stop fishing the good stuff - let the populations rebound.
Live close to work. Work close to home. - use less fuel (cheaper insurance, too!)
Use less fertilizer on crops so less washes away to the oceans - keep our atmosphere free from hydrogen sulfide
Turn the lights off at night. Including the streetlights. - Lets see some stars (and save energy)
Any other ideas, anyone?